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Paris // Symposium on plurilingualism at the French National Assembly
The multilingual revolution is coming to France!
In France and abroad, bilingualism and learning in French have never been the subject of so much interest.
It's against this backdrop that we're organizing a symposium at the French National Assembly to share expertise and experiences from abroad with decision-makers and national players working on the subject in France.
Program :
Introductory speech: Valérie Pécresse, President of the Ile de France Regional Council
First round table: "Bilingualism, a vector of attractiveness and emancipation".
Round table moderator: RFI or France 24 journalist.
Speakers envisaged :
? Gabriel Attal: Member of Parliament who has worked on promoting international mobility in teaching careers.
? Christine Hélot: Professor and expert on bilingualism and the contribution of teaching a second language to children's intellectual development.
? Fabrice Jaumont (author of La Révolution bilingue): the role of parents in the creation of bilingual schools.
? Chantal Manes and Alex Taylor: in charge of a mission to promote modern foreign languages.
Second round table: "Developing French education abroad: a vector of influence for the French-speaking world".
Round table moderator: Pascale Richard: Deputy for Roland Lescure and Director of Cultural Events at the Lycée Français de New York
Planned speakers :
? Bruno Boddaert: Grenoble academic delegate for European and international relations
? Samantha Cazebonne: parliamentarian on a temporary mission to achieve the goal of doubling the number of students enrolled in the French education network abroad by 2030.
? Pierre-François Mourier: Director of CIEP, Centre international d'études pédagogiques
? Christophe Bouchard: Director, Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger
Closing speech: Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Secretary of State to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Registration: https: //
See all events
from Saturday 6 October
to Sunday 7 October 2018
National Assembly
101 Rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris, France
National Assembly
101 Rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris, FranceNo comment
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